Rumer Cosmetic Surgery

Provider Type:Surgery (Genital), Surgery (Plastic/Other), Surgery (Top/Chest)
Rumer Cosmetic Surgery
Kathy L. Rumer, DO, FACOS
105 Ardmore Ave   
Ardmore, PA 19003 &nbsp United States

Recommended Providers:

Patient Notes:

I perform FFS, Breast Augmentation, Body Contouring, MTF GRS, Neograft Hair Restoration.
Chest masculinization, Body contouring, Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty with Urethral Lengthening and Neograft Hair, Eyebrow, and Beard Restoration

Thundermist Health Center

Provider Type:OTHER Trans Health Coordinator
Thundermist Health Center
Jayeson Watts
Phone:(401) 767-4100 x4303
Providence, RI &nbsp United States

Recommended Providers:

Patient Notes:

Mazzoni Center – LGBT Health & Well Being

Endocrinology, Mental & Behavioral Health, OTHER, Primary Care hair removal

Mazzoni Center – LGBT Health & Well Being



809 Locust Street,

Philadelphia, PA 19107 United States

Recommended Providers:

Notes for Providers:

Notes for Patients:

The health center offers the following services for trans* patients:
primary medical care
HIV medical care
hormone therapy and monitoring
laser hair removal
referrals to specialty providers and community resources
drop-in health clinic for youth 24 and under
social workers on staff to help navigate and access available services



The presence of a provider on this site does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of that provider. Access care at your own risk.