Keshet is a national organization that works for full LGBTQ equality and inclusion in Jewish life.
Jewish Queer Youth (JQY)
Jewish Queer Youth (JQY) is a nonprofit organization supporting and empowering LGBTQ youth in the Jewish community. JQY fights to ensure the emotional and physical health and safety of these individuals, with a special focus on teens and young adults from Orthodox, Chasidic, and Sephardic communities.
An online resource created to collect trans and genderqueer Jewish texts, sermons and other literature and make them accessible to anyone who wants them.
JQ International
“JQ International is a LGBTQ Jewish & Ally community. We create programs and services that foster a healthy fusion of LGBTQ and Jewish Identity, which offer LGBTQ Jews, their friends, families, and loved ones the opportunity to connect with each other while fostering a strong sense of self. JQ International also encourages and strengthens leadership, activism, and social action amongst its members in order to continue creating not only a vibrant and inclusive LGBTQ Jewish community, but also the best possible community at large.”
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah | New York, NY
An LGBTQI synagogue located near Midtown in Manhattan.
Beth Chayim Chadashim | Los Angeles, CA
An LGBTQI synagogue located in Los Angeles, CA.
Ru’ach | Temple Israel of Greater Miami | Miami, FL
“Founded in 2000, Ru’ach (which in Hebrew means “spirit”) is a havurah serving the Jewish LGBT community in South Florida. We are committed to fostering a joyous, open and accepting environment for people to meet and enjoy the social, cultural, spiritual and educational opportunities we have to offer.”
Congregation Etz Chaim | Miami, FL
“Congregation Etz Chaim is a unique congregation in South Florida committed to building a spiritual home for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Jewish community and our partners.”
Sha’ar Zahav | San Francisco, CA
An LGBTQI Reform synagogue located in San Francisco, CA.
Congregation Am Tikva | Boston, MA
An LGBTQI synagogue located in Boston, MA.
Chevrei Tikva Chavurah | Cleveland, OH
An LGBTQI chavurah associated with the Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple community.
Congregation Beit Haverim | Atlanta, GA
A Reconstructionist synagogue founded by and for LGBTQI folks.
Congregation Tikvah Chadashah | Seattle, WA
Seattle’s GLBT Synagogue since 1980 and is a chavurah-style congregation.
World Congress of GLBT Jews: Keshet Ga’avah
New Jersey’s Lesbian and Gay Havurah | Edison, NJ
Located at Temple Emanu-El, NJLGH is a community of LGBTQI Jewish and their friends and family. Memers represent the full spectrum of Jewish backgrounds and observances.
GLBT Outreach & Engagement (GLOE) | Washington D.C.
As the GLBT portal of the D.C.Jewish Community Center (DCJCC), GLOE engages metropolitan Washington’s GLBT Jewish community by sponsoring original programming and fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment at the Washington DCJCC.
Bet Mishpachah – DC’s LGBQT+ Synagogue |Washington, D.C.
Through outreach to local communities, Bet Mishpachah, DC’s LGBTQ+ Synagogue will begin an LGBTQ+ outreach program for Jewish youth and their families. B’nai Ahava aims to bring together LGBTQ+ Jewish youth quarterly for an hour of fellowship and friendship. Following the fellowship hour, attendees are able to stay for Bet Mishpachah’s Friday Night Services. Those who are interested can e-mail the executive director at
Guimel | Mexico
“We are a group that supports Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people, their families and friends within the Jewish Community of Mexico.”