Luke R. Allen (telehealth)

Provider Type:Therapists
Luke R. Allen (telehealth)

Las Vegas, NV 89119   United States

Recommended Providers:

Patient Notes:

I provide telehealth services in Nevada, Oregon, Missouri, and 30+ other PsyPACT states. I received training in a multidisciplinary pediatric transgender health specialty clinic. I’m a WPATH Certified Standards of Care 7 Member and a WPATH GEI Certified Mentor. The main areas I focus on in my practice are gender exploration and navigating transition, anxiety, and depression. Ages 15+. I provide a superbill so that you can seek reimbursement (provided you have eligible out of network benefits as I am an Out of Network provider).

Wellest Health

Provider Type:OTHER pelvic floor therapy; physical therapy; occupational therapy; NP
Wellest Health
Dana Solomon, OT, she/her Melissa Hines, PT, she/her Kristin Stetzel, PT, she/her Kathy Kates, NP, she/her
Phone:(586) 991-1725
Fax: (857) 425 1846
209 Columbus Ave    4th floor
Boston, MA 02116   United States

Recommended Providers:

Dana Solomon, OT, she/her Melissa Hines, PT, she/her Kristin Stetzel, PT, she/her Kathy Kates, NP, she/her

Patient Notes:

pelvic floor therapy
physical therapy

Candice Holloway, LPC

Provider Type:Therapists
Candice Holloway, LPC

2010 North Loop West    Suite 270
Houston, TX 77018   United States

Recommended Providers:

Patient Notes:

I am a queer, nonbinary therapist who specializes in working with queer and trans teens and adults, particularly those with a history of sexual trauma. I also write support letters for gender-affirming surgeries and name/gender marker changes at no cost. I can provide these letters and/or therapy to anyone in Texas via teletherapy. I do not accept insurance but I can provide a superbill for out-of-network benefits or sliding scale options.

Wayfinder Counseling

Provider Type:Mental & Behavioral Health, Therapists
Wayfinder Counseling
Misha Speck
2027 196th st SW    Suite A205
Lynw, WA 98036   United States

Recommended Providers:

Misha is a transgender woman specializing in individual, couples, and family counseling within LGBTQ and non-monogamous populations. She offers telehealth therapy that is accessible to anyone in the state of Washington.

Patient Notes:

Youth Medispa

Provider Type:Dermatology, Medical Specialties
Youth Medispa
Les Tomlin
79 Berkeley St   
Toronto,   Canada

Recommended Providers:

Patient Notes:

YOUTH Medispa has assembled a world class team of healthcare professionals that provide an exemplary level of services to help you combat the effects of aging. The unique suite of services that YOUTH offers will allow you to feel great about how you look on the outside and how you feel in the inside. YOUTH has no age.

The presence of a provider on this site does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of that provider. Access care at your own risk.